For more than 40 years, Executive Ideas has been providing quality insurance solutions for individuals and businesses across Georgia, Texas and California.
By offering customized programs for each client, Executive Ideas is able to deliver plans that meet their unique coverage as well as financial requirements. Executive Ideas employs a customer-centered approach and uses a broad range of financial products and services to help individuals as well as business owners make sound financial decisions to achieve their goals.
Group and Individual Health Insurance
Creating a program to protect your health is paramount to enjoying life and ensuring peace of mind. Once we determine your personal needs or the requirements of your business, we can create a program that will protect your health and the health of your family and/or employees.
Let us build a plan for you that includes:
- Major Medical
- Prescriptions
- Dental
- Maternity
- Health Savings Accounts
- Short Term Health Insurance (for between jobs or new graduates)
- Voluntary Health, Life, Dental and Vision

Group and Individual Disability Income Insurance

Disability insurance is often one of the most overlooked types of insurance. Individuals who take time to invest in health and life insurance but neglect to consider disability coverage put themselves at tremendous risk. Every year 12% of the U.S. adult population suffers a long-term disability. One out of every seven workers will suffer a five-year or longer period of disability before age 65, and if you’re 35 now, your chances of experiencing a three-month or longer disability before you reach age 65 are 50%. If you’re 45, the figure is 44%.
Talk to Executive Ideas about options for disability coverage that fit within your budget and help protect you from financial disasters.
Long Term Care Policies
Long Term Care (LTC) policies protect assets and can provide peace of mind when someone needs assistance with daily living due to an accident, illness or advancing age. LTC policies can cover expenses for care in your home or at a facility.
The national average cost for a nursing home stay is $89,000 per year1. Of all the people requiring some form of LTC, 40% are between the ages of 18-64 while only 60% of people are 65 or older.2
Executive Ideas can review the many types of LTC contracts to identify the one that best meets your needs.
1CareScout®, June 2018
2U.S. General Accounting Office, “Where Does the US Population Live and Who Cares For Them,” January 2001

Life Insurance

In order to calculate the amount of life insurance you may need, use an estimator like the one available at
Life insurance contracts should be customized to meet your individual needs. Policyholders can select from either Level Term (of 10, 15, 20, or 30 – year contract) or a Permanent policy. Executive Ideas offers comparisons of many companies so that you can be assured of the best rate.
For info on a term quote that requires no exam, blood or urine tests, click here.
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or older, people under 65 with certain disabilities, and people of any age with End-Stage Renal Disease.
- Medicare Part A – helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facility care, rehabilitation facilities, hospice care, and home health care.
- Medicare Part B – helps cover services from doctors and other health care providers, clinical lab services, outpatient care, home health care, durable medical equipment, and some preventive services.
- Medicare Part C – (Medicare Advantage) – includes all benefits and services covered under Part A and Part B, usually includes Medicare prescription drug coverage (MA-PD), as part of the plan, run by Medicare-approved private insurance companies and may include extra benefits and services for an extra cost.
- Medicare Part D – (PDP) – helps cover the cost of prescription drugs, run by Medicare-approved private insurance companies.
- Medicare Part E (Miscellaneous Provisions) – including Medigap coverage.
All these parts are confusing. We will help you understand the various options and help you pick the best plan(s) for your needs when you turn 65 and on an annual basis.